Organize Your Refrigerator Like a Pro!
An orderly fridge can help you reduce waste, save money on groceries, and even eat healthier. The food also looks more delicious.
Photos of meticulously arranged fridges on social media give the impression that this is only attainable in homes where perfectionism reigns. And yet, when you think about it, the refrigerator is one of the appliances that we interact with the most on a daily basis.
Taking the time to organize it properly so that food and ingredients can be identified at a glance will therefore help you stop having to throw out food that has gone bad, avoid buying more of what you already have (saving you money!), and even eat better. When everything is in its place, it’s easier to make healthier choices

The Method
1. Plan the Layout
The first step in organizing your refrigerator is to learn where each food item should be stored. Exercise your judgment so that the result meets your family’s needs. For example, you may want to place nutritious snacks at your children’s eye level. However, your personal requirements are not the only consideration as a fridge contains both cooler and warmer zones. Understanding this will help you create an organization system where everything has its proper place and in which food stays fresh longer.
The door and top shelves offer the minimum amount of refrigeration and the lower down the shelves you go, the colder the temperature is. Here are a few general guidelines:
- In the door: condiments, jams and drinks, as well as fresh herbs in Mason jars.
- On the top and middle shelves: snacks, dairy products, processed meats (such as for sandwiches) and leftovers.
- On the lower shelves: heavier items, meat and fish.
- In the high humidity crisper drawer: leafy greens and eggplants.
- In the low humidity crisper drawer: fruits and vegetables that spoil quickly, like apples, pears, etc.
2. Remove the Food Items and Group Them by Category
The next step is probably the one you are least looking forward to: the cleaning. Start by removing everything and grouping the items by category. This is the time to throw out any expired food. Now that the fridge is completely empty, use this opportunity to wipe down every surface. To save space, find a new storage location for the foods that don’t require refrigeration: citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, hot sauce (check the label), onions, chocolate, etc.

3. Sort and Place Items According to the Categories
Now comes the time to invest in Pinterest-worthy food containers and bins. These allow you to use vertical space to optimize storage. Lazy Susan trays let you access food items at the back of the shelf. If you’re a fan of labelling, stick one on each container identifying what it holds, but ideally you should buy transparent plastic containers. In addition to being easy to clean, you can see what’s inside at a glance.
4. Use Notes
Do you frequently forget about leftovers? Get into the habit of storing them in a bin labelled “Eat Quickly.” Do you have multiples of a type of product, such as yogurt cups? Place the older ones at the front, to ensure they are consumed first.
One final bit of advice: there is no organization tip as effective as not overfilling the refrigerator. It’s easier to find what you need in an uncluttered space as well as keep it clean. So clear it out regularly!